Enough said…

I took a field trip today to visit the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley. It seemed very unusual that I could live so close to a representative piece of American History and to have not yet visited it in the 20 years since it opened! I couldn’t wait to read all the stories and learn more about the man who was the 40th President of the United States and review what had occurred world wide from 1981 – 1989 now 30 some years later. How interesting and fascinating would all this be?

I felt open and clear. I knew where I was going and why. While I had no expectations I also could not have foreseen how much richness, value and aliveness would open up and reveal itself while I just put one foot in front of the other.

It started before I left my home when I watched a TED video about Tony Porter that was forwarded to me by another man on Facebook. It was titled a Call to Men. Naturally, I was interested as this sort of topic is right up my alley. Tony spoke eloquently, in part, of how there is a call to man to value woman, honor all the feelings that we as men have and also to get out of the “man box”. I heard non judgement, acceptance and inspiration in what he said. Tony and I are on the same page…

While I was driving the near hour drive to the library, I was listening to Dennis Prager, a theologian and philosopher turned radio talk show host. He was talking about how our modern society unfortunately values monetary success for man far higher than the values of being a good father, or whether or not man treats others well or if he is a good man to his woman. As evidenced by his callers’ questions and how he answered them, he was making a positive difference. I heard words like: character, decency and love. It felt good to be listening to this man and have his words resonate. He and I are on the same page…

At the library, I saw so many examples of how Mr. Reagan approached life on a very real global and personal level. Among the many quotes I read, this first one stopped me in my tracks:

• “There is no limit to what a man can do, or where he can go, if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.”
• (from 1973): “The thought of being President frightens me and I do not think I want the job.” Despite that, as President he later wrote “…It seems I’ve been guided by a force much larger than myself.”
• “…I love you to the breath and depth of all my being and I count all the ways I love you and they add up to greater happiness than I deserve.” —Written in 1980 by Mr. Reagan to wife Nancy at nearly 29 years of marriage(!)

The words wisdom, selflessness, idealistic, love, commitment, devotion and courage come to mind. Mr. Reagan and I (with deep humility) are on the same page…

To close out the day on the drive home, a radio advertisement featuring the unmistakable voice of Glenn Beck who with vigorous conviction (in one place I do agree with him) said, “…stand behind the banner of truth and you will never go wrong.” Truth… enough said.

It was all around me. For 6 continuous hours, I saw and heard so many examples of men who:

• personify or exemplify strong desirable masculine values.
• are / were operating at a high level of personal Context
• are /were connected to their Higher Purpose.

I was touched and moved. I also felt filled up, refreshed, emboldened and ALIVE …as if all in the world around me was RIGHT and TRUE!

How many women in our communities….how many children in our communities (!!) would love, cherish and trust the men in their lives if these men lived these words and in their actions exemplified:

• Value
• Honor
• Non Judgement
• Inspiration
• Goodness
• Character
• Decency
• Loving
• Accepting
• Wise
• Selfless
• Courageous
• Commitment
• Devotion
• Truth.

Think about it…what if this way of being a Man was the norm?

Then, if that is the norm, there continues the absolute reality of men coming together to amplify the good work that many men are doing, thereby taking it to the next level where we all:

• inspire and encourage one another to reach for the next rung on the ladder.
• support our brothers who are facing personal obstacles
• heal the wounds that have never healed so we are more whole
• pick each other up, dust ourselves off and jump back out in to the world refreshed and invigorated
• become the leaders that positively impact, shift and shape our world for the betterment of all

…and more.

Obviously, and gratefully, I am not the only one calling out to Man to act with sound masculine principles. I am pleased to see a groundswell of tremendous growth in this area.

I am also pleased to offer a Tantric aspect which powerfully augments this type of Men’s work. What Tantra does is to use sound, movement and breath which allows us to see down into our depths and shift or dissolve the emotional and psychic barriers existing at our core and as a result allow for a free, continuous and effortless flow of vitalizing energy. When this energy is consciously harvested and free flowing, it can fuel and awaken the part of man that so deeply and innately wants to be ALIVE!

With this aliveness and his connection to, and integration of, Core Masculine Principles man can be the example of aliveness to other men, to their women, their children and be leaders in their communities.

*This* IS a man who operates powerfully in life with ease and embraces the magnificence of Woman.

Enough said…

Now it’s your turn. I would absolutely love your feedback so don’t hold back now!!

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